Good Afternoon. I hope you are having a great week. I am still alive and trying to get back into my routines. Had a great time with Natalie last week. Have not felt very good this week and feeling pretty rotten today. Tomorrow I have blood work, MRI and a Dr appointment so always have some next thing happening with the medical world.

I have been thinking about all kinds of stuff, but this might be helpful today. I didn’t come up with this idea but I find it very helpful.

There is a definite difference between the “mind” and the “brain.” Many people would put the two together but they are actually very different and we each have both.

The simplest idea would be this. The brain is a physical thing and the mind is a mental thing. I would suggest they can both impact each other but I also believe it is helpful to see and acknowledge the difference.

I have a brain tumor that is absolutely impacting my physical brain. As that tumor grows it will continue to have different impact on different areas of my brain. Today I have struggled with a headache on my left side of my head. That is the tumor that is growing on my brain. Back in October when I was having seizures, they were a physical reaction to a tumor that is on my brain.

There are choices I can make that can influence my physical brain in a positive way. Nutrition, sleep, healthy exercise, these are all different ways to help create a healthy brain. The flip side of that is there are also many things that I have zero control of when it comes to my physical brain.

I promise you the brain tumor was not my choice. My choice is that it would go away and my brain would be healthy. There are things that happen to the brain from mental illness to dementia that people don’t choose and typically have no control of in any way. So much of the brain is out of my control but the mind is a different story.

The reality is the mind is part of myself that I have great control. Now we are getting back to this idea of “mindset.” My mindset is something I control and how I choose to control, develop and manage my mindset is a game changer. My personal experience and my work with people over the last 30 years has shown me how important mindset really is. What I have seen is that the typical person gives that control away and allows situations, challenges and others to create a negative mindset. That does not work very well.

So, here is the question. Do you control your mindset? Or maybe a better question. What influences your mindset?

I have a brain tumor and feel like crap today! Guess what! My mindset can get negative really quickly. So to be completely honest. I didn’t have much energy or feel like writing anything today. I am doing this purely for myself. I am sharing some thoughts to simply remind “me,” I have control of my mindset. I can’t do much about a tumor on my brain. Didn’t choose that, but I can choose my mindset regarding this tumor.

I am working on that today. I am a blessed man, I have a beautiful, loving and amazing wife, children that I could not be more proud of, their mates are incredible and my two grandchildren are amazing. My family and friends have been so supportive and encouraging.

Here is a good word from scripture that I have been sitting with today. I will stop with this. It is a beautiful example of how you and I can influence our mindset.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Remember, “your mindset matters” and “you are loved and of great value!!!!”





“Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.” Jose Ortega Gasset