Good Morning!!!
Good morning, hope you each slept well and have plans for a wonderful weekend! Just a couple of simple thoughts this morning.
Over the years I have stepped into and gotten very comfortable with the duality of this life. The reality of good and bad, life and death. No one lives in this life without some of both. The challenge is making peace with this reality, or maybe it is learning to live in reality.
My father died of cancer in his early 30’s, I was two and a half years old. My mother who had not been married very long, had lost her father to a brain tumor and grew up with a step father who was not the greatest guy on the planet. At that point, she is single and responsible for two children under the ages of 3. Needless to say, we had many challenging years. That reality shaped my early life and my mindset. I grew up in a family system that had been shaped and influenced by an abundance of grief.
I allowed the grief and pain to dominate much of my thinking and perspective. As a young adult, I slowly began to learn a new and different perspective. My faith played a big part in that process as well. Getting to know Jesus helped me see the duality of this life. Jesus then helped me see many, many other men and women who lived similar experiences. His life and their lives were never without grief, pain, challenges, unfairness and genuine suffering. He never allowed that to define him. In the midst of his challenges, he lived with great joy. It was a as if his suffering gave him a deeper understanding and empathy for others who were struggling with things in this life. I very much wanted to live more and more out of that reality.
One of this life’s greatest gifts for me has been to spend time with people who are going through very difficult, unfair and challenging life situations. I have learned so much from each of those circumstances. One of the big ideas is there is and always will be suffering in this life. In no way does that mean you are not loved and of great value. Some of us create some of that pain and suffering from our own choices, but even then it does not take away the truth that you are loved and of great value.
I have been learning to live more out of gratitude for all the incredible ways I have been blessed in this life. Some pain and suffering in no way eliminates or minimize that truth and reality. Suffering and pain simply mean I am human. Actually suffering a pain can remind me how incredible this life is and has been. I have an incredible wife, who has loved me faithfully, even when I don’t deserve that. I have three amazing children, that despite an imperfect father, have grown into amazing and beautiful people. I have two daughter-inlaws that are amazing women and one has given me my first grandchild, Amelia and wow!!!! Amelia is such a beautiful gift. My other daughter in-law is about to bring Liam into this world. What a gift! Madison is about to marry Cole, and he is a wonderful young man. My mom and sisters are on their way to visit with me. Gracie and I are about to take a walk. My dear friend John Staley checked in this morning and reminded me of all the incredible friends I have been blessed with.
If I took my last breath today, my life has been such a gift. Having a brain tumor can in no way take that away. Much of life is about where you and I place our focus. Today I am grateful for my life. I am such a blessed man, and God’s grace is sufficient.
Your life has genuine pain and suffering, that is real. Don’t ignore that but please don’t let that reality keep you from seeing the other side. See beauty and grace, remind yourself, write it down, share it with someone. How have you been blessed? What are you grateful for today?
I am grateful for you, for taking the time to read my ramblings and remember you are loved and of great value! Have a BEAUTIFUL Saturday!!!!!!!