“Help Me With My Unbelief”

Good Morning! I am super excited. Today is the FINAL RADIATION treatment. The staff at UT Southwestern has been amazing and I am so grateful for them. I am also tired of the drive, people having to drive me and how the radiation impacts my physical body. Excited to start recovering from the radiation, hope it had some impact on the tumor and that I will begin to feel a little better.

Once again, a quick thought that might connect with a few of you.

What ever position you take with Jesus, he was a fascinating and very wise man. Overall we don’t have that much history on him but there are things he said and did that have greatly impacted and influenced my life. Here is an example.

In Mark chapter 9 there is a fascinating story about a man whose son is having seizures. He has ask Jesus to heal his son. Here is the conversation.

The dad to Jesus. “But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” The response Jesus gives him has always jumped out to me. Jesus first response is a question. “If you can?” There is so much to that. I would guess Jesus was trying to get the man to acknowledge several things, but certainly he is asking. Do you believe or think I really can help you?

His next response is powerful as well. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Sit with that idea for a minute. Everything is possible for one who believes!!!! I have to ask myself, what do I actually believe and what do I maybe not truly believe at all? What influences what I believe and what I choose not to believe? How is that connected to my faith?

The man’s response to Jesus is one that I so connect with. “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.” Years ago that response hit me between the eyes in a good way. That has been and is still true today. There are areas I completely buy into, believe and walk in faith. I also have to honestly say there are areas I have continued to struggle with that are connected to areas of unbelief.

I believe God loves me, values me as his son and his grace is sufficient. I am unemployed and there is very little chance I will be practicing counseling again. I worry about finances and how we will move forward. Then I step back and realized how gracious people have been by giving us money that has helped us navigate the last 3 months and be okay. I need to sit in that and understand how God has worked though others to care for me and my family. I need to believe that area will work itself out and understand I don’t have to sit around and worry about that every day. I need to focus on my part, what I can do and keep a positive mindset.

I believe if and when my life ends I will be moving to a beautiful next! The unbelief part and worry can then change to what about Natalie and my kids. How will they get through this and how this is going to jack-up their lives? I need and want to believe that God will be present, care for and get them through that grief process. I have to remind myself of how Natalie has wonderful support from friends who love her and will be there for her. I know my kids are amazing, they each have an incredible spouse that are supporting them, family and friends that will be there for them. I want and need to believe that God will give them everything to navigate this process.

“I do believe; help me with my unbelief.”

Just a few examples and areas that I have to continue to focus on. What about you? What are areas of your life that you have a strong belief? And, are there areas that if you are honest you need to overcome some unbelief?

I have hit on this idea in my blogging. In this life there are very real challenges, struggles and pain. Those are areas that can cause you and I to have doubt and unbelief. That really is okay, simply means we are human. Please hear what Jesus said.

“Everything is possible for one who believes.!!!!!”

That does not mean that everything will work out exactly like I want. I do believe it means, all will eventually work out well and that our lives have meaning and purpose. That you and I can make a little difference in a positive way and that God’s grace is sufficient. Mindset and a positive mindset is absolutely connected to what you and I believe!

I believe. That you are loved and of great value!





“Maybe it’s all about you!!”