Good Morning! Hope you have some wonderful weekend plans. I am going to see a friend get his black belt in Jiu Jitsu this morning! Really excited to do this. Mark Reding a dear friend and the man who has built Reding Martial Arts will be giving Ted and others belts today. I have so much respect for Mark, who he is and the difference he has made in 100’s of lives.

My health has been a struggle this week. Very up and down. Have parts of each day I feel pretty normal and then parts of the same day I feel terrible and really struggle. I think this is one of the major challenges of having a brain tumor. The brain is always trying to deal with, adjust and manage the pressure from a tumor that takes over and takes up space. I will continue to find ways to manage and navigate the process as long as possible!

I want to share something that just overwhelmed me in a very positive way last night. I received a video that was made by several of the students, now adults that I worked with in the 90’s. I will try and share a link if any of you have interest or time to watch. For many it will be special and for some not so much. For me, it meant the world right now!

Ministry has been such a challenge for me in many ways. It also has been one of the greatest blessings and experiences I have ever had. The status or bigger setting mattered earlier in the process but over the years what really mattered for me was the opportunity to spend time with individuals. To hear their story, listen to some of their struggle and pain. Early in ministry I believed I had to some how fix that. Eventually I began to understand I can’t fix anyone. I can listen, encourage, pray for them, but ultimately I wanted these individual to know they are Loved By God! Their lives matter and in this broken world there will always be challenges, joy, peace, pain and suffering!

What I have witnessed in my work with ministry and counseling is that many people use, drugs, alcohol or status to find some kind of comfort or meaning in this life. It absolutely never, never works. What can be a game changer is getting into healthier relationships. Relationships that are not perfect, but relationships that experience life in some honest, joyful, painful and safe ways. I believe that happened often in the ministry and counseling work that I have done the last 33 years.

This life is temporary for each of us. What we do day to day matters and makes a difference in so many ways. The fact that other’s have allowed me into their lives, shared the good and shared their struggles has been such a blessing!

It’s fascinating to me that over the years I truly have grown to seek God first for my identity, joy and peace. When I struggle I go to God first and he has been so faithful. Other relationships matter and help, but I really have learned to go to God first. I keep saying this. I have a brain tumor that unless God provides a true miracle, my life is coming to a close in the near future. For a half a second I do not question God’s love or provision. He has been faithful. I don’t believe death ends our life, but it does change it!. The bummer is for family and friends who then have to keep living without the man or women who has been such an important part of their lives. That part stinks. I also know its possible to continue to live well.

So, I hope I can share this video for those that might be interested or have some time to watch. I know for many of you that is not a good option and I fully understand. Go do something today that makes a little difference in someone else’s life.

I will tell Mark today what a difference he has made in my life. I will hug Ted and thank him for the the work he has done with me and congratulate for the 10 year process he has been through to earn a black belt. None of this is really about me. I am grateful that so many men and women have allowed me to be just a little small part of their lives. That, I really hope in some way points them to begin to understand. Maybe there is a God who loves me!!!

You are loved and your life matters! Celebrate that today in some simple way.




