Living without You Day by Day

Thought it’s been nearly four months without you tangibly here, it seems as though it’s been a lifetime. We shared so much together as we began each morning together with coffee, gratitudes, and hopes for the day and ended each day with dinner, venting, and gratitudes for the day. I miss you more than I can express, and yet, I feel so close to you at the same time.

You provided this guide for my grief journey that I didn’t want to see while you were still here with me. I just wanted to relish in every living moment we had. Now I see the wisdom in your ways. This is hard! Way harder than I ever imagined! We built our lives to be the best versions of ourselves to give our kids and grandkids the best future ever. As you said in your video message to me, we have lived a simple life and have found so much joy. For this, I am so very grateful!

I miss you in every moment… When I wake in the morning, I move throughout the day, and prepare to rest in the eventing. Though I miss you with all of my heart, I rest well in knowing I am carrying out our hopes, visions, and dreams for our future. Our grand camp dream is becoming a reality as I convert one of our guest rooms to a bunkroom! We will have years to fish, kayak, and walk Poppy’s trails together. We will walk and talk about the most important things, rather than those that have no real life or meaning.

You are so very missed as you’re also held so closely to my heart! May all who read this remember, “You are loved and of great value!”


Bore-dom Noun “the state of being bored”


A Father’s Day Tribute to The Man of My Dreams