Good Morning and again, hope each of you are getting through this cold front. The only big issue for me has been the radiation office has been closed all week. I am so ready to be done with this treatment. I have 7 radiation treatments left. Planning on today and one of my Dr.s yesterday told me on a video appointment that they may be offering service this weekend. That would be great to get this done!
So, I have a few thoughts today. I want to be very clear about a few things. I have said that my personal beliefs are wrapped up in my relationship with Jesus. I am not trying to use this or my brain tumor to convert anyone. I have been highly committed to accepting anyone exactly wherever their beliefs are and even if they don’t match mine. None of this is about, “I am right” and “you are wrong.” The one thing I do hope is that some of what I write about might encourage some folks to think about something a little differently, consider somethings and ultimately love and value yourself a little more. Remember, and I believe this is absolutely true. You are loved and of great value!
Here is an area that has been a little challenging for me over the years. When we talk about “Satan.” Who they heck is that and is he real? If he is real how is he working in the world today?
I have personally boiled this down to a pretty simple idea. The basic way he works today and has always worked is all about my mindset. He ultimently wants me to question myself, my value, and my abilities. His greatest strategy and technique is to impact my “mindset.”
Mark 5 shares a story that illustrates this beautifully. This man named Legion is possessed by evil spirits. Jesus shows up, speaks against these evil spirits and they leave this man. Vs 15 is so spot on to me. “He, (Jesus) speaks to these impure spirits and they leave this man. He (Legion) is now in his right mind.”
Satan, evil spirits whatever you want to call him/them is about you and I having a negative mindset and not believing what is TRUE about ourselves. I believe the core way Satan works is tied directly to our beliefs and mindset about ourselves and others.
Losing my father when I was 3 to cancer. Growing up without a father, some of the challenges I dealt with, struggling in high school and college academically, all these things caused me to doubt and question my value and who God had ultimately created me to be. There were many years in my life when Satan was greatly influencing my mindset!
Over the last 25 years I have been working and growing on a much healthier and true mindset about who I am and who I believe God created me to be. Satan is still around and I have to be aware, but he does not have much power or influence in my life today. Getting diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor has in no way caused me to question God’s love for me. It in some odd ways it has caused me to focus and experience more of His love. I have been reminded of who I am and more focused on being that man!
A godly mindset has helped me see how blessed I have been. Certainly doesn’t take away many of my mistakes and shortcomings but that is not what I focus on today.
I am going through radiation, chemotherapy, unemployed, physically as weak as I maybe have ever been in my adult life and have never felt more blessed and loved than I do today. That is about “mindset.” A mindset that is focused on God and not Satan.
So many of you have been a blessing to me with your comments and support. I am grateful for each of you. I am simply grateful for today!
So what has happened in your life that Satan has used against you? What has happened that has impacted your mindset and caused you to question, your value, abilities, and that there might be a God who simply loves you for no reason other than, you are part of his creation. You are human and have made mistakes, people have disappointed you and let you down, life is hard and very unfair sometimes. Satan loves to use that to influence your “mindset in a negative way.” Don’t give him that influence or power.
Remember, you are loved and of great value!!!! That is truth! Let that truth begin to shape your mindset each day.