What Creates Real Success?
It would be fun and fascinating if we went around to many different people and asked them about success. What does it mean to be successful? For many it is connected to a certain position professionally. I guess that could be leadership in business, sports etc. It often has some significance around how much money a person makes, car they drive or maybe the house they live in. Ultimately we each get to determine what it means to us to be successful. Here is something I wrote about in September of 2018. It still resonates with me.
3 Requirements for Success:
1) Decide exactly what you want for your life.
2) Determine the price you are going to pay to get the things you want.
3) Resolve to pay the price.
Here is how that has worked for me. What I decided years ago related to this idea is this. I ultimately want a relationship with God that I understand who He is and who I am as His. I want my wife and children to know that they have a husband and father that loves and values them. My professional work as a pastor and counselor was important but it really was not how I measured myself as being successful.
In fact part of determining the price I was going to pay impacted this idea. My work over my life has mattered. But pretty early in life I decided my relationship with God, Natalie and my kids was going to be my priority. It’s kind of funny right now. Having a brain tumor and being told my days are numbered, I still need to work, but my focus has absolutely been back to my time with God, Natalie and my kids.
What about you? What defines success in your life? It’s a question worth asking, and being honest with, yourself about.